Chinese medical practitioners have used quail eggs for thousands of years to successfully combat allergies such as rhinitis, asthma, hay fever, spasmodic cough and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. More recently, they have been used in Russia and Poland, and they are widely available from pharmacies in France, Switzerland and Germany. Now, at last, quail egg treatment has reached Nigeria. Treatment of quail eggs is recognized around the world. The list of diseases that can be cured (or alleviate the disease), using quail eggs are quite wide. QUAIL EGGS TREATMENT : 1.Quail eggs are used to increase appetite, stimulate digestion, increase vitality and treat constipation, nausea, muscle weakness, dizziness, and fatigue. They also treat insomnia, nervous system disorders, dry mouth, and paleness, muscle pain, peeling skin, hair loss, improves liver function, diseases of the heart, liver, kidney, stomach, thyroid, anemia. 2 They treat asthma, heart disease, nervous system, cancerous tumor. Lysozyme contained in eggs, capable of destroying the bacterial cell membrane, which negatively affects the cancerous tumor. 3. In contrast to the chicken, quail eggs do not cause allergies, but rather suppress it.. Quail eggs purify the blood, normalize blood pressure, increase hemoglobin, intensively removes radionuclides from the body. They restore the body after an operational period of a heart attack. Quail eggs can dissolve and displace the stones from the kidney, liver, gall bladder. 4. Research scientists have shown that quail meat and
eggs can help avoid adverse effects of stress and overwork. 5. Eggs are especially useful for children to enhance development, both physically and mentally. A child eats 2 quail eggs a day, has a better memory, a strong nervous system, sharp vision, better developed and less sick. It is no wonder the Japanese students eat two quail eggs per day. 6. They give good results in treating infertility, epilepsy, allergies, and all kinds of eczema. Saturate the prostate vitamins, minerals, amino acids, which increase sexual potency and cause slow rapid ejaculation in men. Also quail eggs in a woman feel better during pregnancy, and helps in the amount of milk in nursing mothers. About Japanese Quails. - Quail is known by many names. Japanese quail, Pharaoh quail, Stubble quail, Nile quail, Bible quail and more. The Japanese Quails are fast growing hardy birds. They matured at 6 weeks of age and start laying eggs by 7-8 weeks of age. Males are characterized by a rusty brown throat and breast feathers while the hens have a lighter cream colored feathering on the neck with black stripes and dotting on the
breast. Egg production is around
280 eggs per year. Eggs should be collected at least once daily and should be stored in a cool place. . Housing For Laying Quail The system of housing depends very much on the type and scale of the quail enterprise. Cages should be inside closed houses with wire mesh surrounding both sides of the house for well ventilation or in a room. It is advisable to use a self cleaning cage, so their droppings don’t build up in the cage. . . For breeding purposes, male quails can be introduced in the cages in the ratio of 1 to 3 females. Tips on how to start a Quail Bird Farm: 1. You can start with matured quail birds of mixed sexes. We sell a 2 weeks quail at the rate of N300 2. You can start with quail eggs but you will need a hatchery to hatch the eggs. 3. Build a cage or a house with netted windows. 4. All quail birds house must be well protected against predators like snakes and cats. Marketing : The number of quail farmers are few compared to other livestocks. A quail farmer should sell to other potential farmers. Quail can be processed and packaged as frozen quail meat. The eggs can be sold to consumers. Quail meat can be used to treat
hypertension. Raising quail is an inexpensive venture and a good option for poverty alleviation programme for everyone.Yahaya Abubakar can be contacted via 08033817695 or on training and raising quail and hatchery management. Happy farming and stay blessed

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